
Name Griffon McMahon
Email [email protected]
Phone (918) 978-0298
Summary Oklahoman-born engineer, Purdue alumnus, UPenn graduate researcher


  • 2020 - 2022

    Philadelphia, PA

    University of Pennsylvania
    • ESE 619: Model Predictive Control
    • MEAM 517: Control and Optimization/Application in Robotics
    • CIS 581: Computer Vision and Computational Photography
    • ESE 615: Autonomous Racing
  • 2016 - 2020

    West Lafayette, IN

    Purdue University
    Mechanical Engineering
    • ME 475: Automatic Control Systems
    • ME 499: HMI/HRI Modeling and Control
    • ME 452: Machine Design


  • 2024.06 - 2024.08
    Naval Research Enterprise Intern
    United States Naval Research Laboratory
    • Analyzed many agents swarming modeled through delay differential equations using mean field analysis
    • Employed bifurcation theory to determine the conditions in which a swarm would switch from one behavior to another
  • 2022.08 - Present
    Graduate Research Fellow
    ScalAR Lab, University of Pennsylvania
    • Examines the effects of inserting a paucity of agents into a swarm with the goal of influencing the behavior of the whole
    • Quantifies uncertainty in unpredictable systems with conformal prediction used in the realm of target tracking
    • Tracks agents with unknown dynamics in the presence of occlusions and faulty models
  • 2021.01 - 2022.05
    Graudate Research Assistant
    Kod*lab, University of Pennsylvania
    • Developed gaits for Jerboa, an underactuated and tailed bipedal robot, to take advantage of internal degrees of freedom for improved locomotion
    • Analyzed dynamics behind hybrid, non-linear systems—especially legged robotics—using templates and anchors
    • Implemented control algorithms in both simulation and hardware using event-based guards and feedback control
  • 2018 - 2020
    Undergraduate Research Assistant
    Jain Research Lab, Purdue University
    • Maintained and developed code using partially-observable Markov decision processes and Bayesian statistics to implement machine learning
    • Authored conference paper applying clustering algorithms to human behavior
    • Conducted human subject research to sense trust in automated systems using real-time sensors
    • Crafted experiment design for examining human-machine interactions in the case of autonomous vehicles using a driving simulator


  • 2022 - 2025

    Philadelphia, PA

    Teaching Assistant, MEAM 620: Advanced Robot Control
    University of Pennsylvania
    I was a TA in the springs of 2022, 2024, and 2025. On top of normal grading; assignment creating and testing; and other odd jobs, I:
    • Updated legacy codebase post-pandemic for quadcopter control with minimizing learning curve and chance of errors under student use in mind
    • Guided students in deploying code on quadrotors (Crazyflie 2.1) for the purposes of control, trajectory planning, and path finding
    • Maintained drone hardware throughout crashes stemming from student-made code
  • 2021.08 - 2021.12

    Philadelphia, PA

    Teaching Assistant, MEAM 520: Introduction to Robotics
    University of Pennsylvania
    • Assisted students with manipulator control of a Franka Emika Panda Arm in simulation and hardware for a pick and place task
    • Debugged many lines of student code
    • Ensured that the final project was entertaining and engaging


  • 2022
    First Place, 10th F1TENTH Autonomous Grand Prix
    EEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2022
    Worked with Penn classmates in team ScatterBrain to win a head-to-head bracket undefeated, racing autonomous RC cars in an international field.
  • 2022
    Master's Award for Teaching
    University of Pennsylvania
    Awarded for TA work in MEAM 520 and MEAM 620 in the 2021–2022 academic year.
  • 2019
    H. William Bottomley Research Scholarship
    Bottomley Scholar Program
    'The Bottomley Research Scholarships were created to encourage undergraduate mechanical engineering students to participate in research projects, and ultimately pursue graduate education opportunities.'
  • 2019
    Office of Undergraduate Research Scholarship
    Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR), Purdue University
    'OUR continues the research scholarship program to recognize undergraduate student engagement in original research, scholarship, or creative work.'


Programming Languages
Miscellaneous Software
Robotic Operating System (ROS)


Control Systems
Multi-Agent Interaction
Stability Analysis
Human-Machine Interaction